Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Rob
mostly, i'm excited for the basic premise; many super heroes in one place. especially in this fashion, where each had their own film, and now they're together as one (the reverse might have it's own pros and cons, but this just seems more fun). but the teaser and trailer and posters haven't gotten me excited for the actual film; just the event.

Avengers for some reason I just don't give a shit.

It's just like a meh feeling to me.

Whedon is shit.

yar, i'm here (but UJ said it, so its not through bat-blinders)

not necessarily towards whedon - i honestly don't know what he's done and how much i hated it. just judging specifically on this film. just a few months shy of it's release, is the plot still publically defined as "seriously, it's like 10 heroes, who cares about the story"?

giant picture