Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wow. That Xmas special was a bit crap, wasn't it? Smith was flawless, as ever. The Androzani Trio was excellent, and should have had more screentime. But, the rest? Really, really bad Doctor Who. Moffat is obviously overworked. Hell, the first five minutes with The Doctor yelling and breathing in space (!!!!!) broke my NUMBER ONE NERDRAGE RULE OF SCIENCE FUCKING FICTION: NO. BREATHING. IN. SPACE.

The worst Steven Moffat script ever produced. It had to come, sooner or later I guess...

Yeah, seemed like Moffat just phoned it in on this one. Seemed like it was there to pull at the heart strings more than anything. Wasn't a total loss, though. We got to see him reconnect with the Pond's before the next season kicks off. Only thing I would've liked to see in the last scene was him walking through the door to dinner and hearing a "Hello, sweetie." as it faded to black/door closed.

Last edited by iggy; 2011-12-28 9:01 AM.