Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Which completely ignores the fact that I was 100% correct about it.

so, congrats, you're a good guesser...? though it didn't turn out that way, you could have been 100% incorrect, which is why i find yours to be a pariahish system. i'd just rather review something to review something.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Although Reynolds does, I confess, bore the hell out of me as an actor, he wasn't necessarily the only reason it sucked. He was just the shit-cherry on top of a shit sandwich. Green Lantern is to me what I suspect Clooney's B&R is to you.

i found green lantern to be more of a boring movie, than a bad movie. it actually had a lot of the right elements, it was just much "meh". i didn't think it was comically bad, just disappointing. B&R, to me, was a bad movie. but that was coming from the perspective of a late teens, early 20s batman fan. if i were 7, i might have really enjoyed it. shockingly enough, it was "the" favorite for many fans now in their mid twenties (can you believe it was 15 years ago??)

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I get worried about Iron Man 3 sometimes, but then I remember thinking "Why is the guy who directed ELF doing Iron Man?" and shut up.

the fat friend from rudy!

as a director? i loved what he did with iron man and iron man 2. as an actor, he's obnoxious shit, and definitively one of the least enjoyable parts of iron man 2. stop putting yourself into movies, thanks.

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