Originally Posted By: Jealous Rob - 0
though it didn't turn out that way, you could have been 100% incorrect, which is why i find yours to be a pariahish system.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus - 1+brillion
Do you hate economic forecasters or meteorologists because of their professions? Everything has patterns, and everything has signs, if you just pay attention. Even movies and marketing.

In all fairness, if you look back, I did briefly miscall Captain America's use of Chris Evans due to the burn of GL. It was the rubber-feet discussion. But, after that, I started paying attention and realized I was incorrect about that one.

 Originally Posted By: rob
shockingly enough, it [B&R] was "the" favorite for many fans now in their mid twenties (can you believe it was 15 years ago??)

First of all, WTF??!?!?!? Who the hell is crazy enough to think of 'Batman & Robin' in any other terms than "WTF??!?!?!?" What kind of people do you hang out with? Fucking New York...

Second............ouch. 15 years dates me. In the ass. \:\(

 Originally Posted By: rob
[RE:Jon Favreau] as a director? i loved what he did with iron man and iron man 2.


as an actor, he's obnoxious shit, and definitively one of the least enjoyable parts of iron man 2. stop putting yourself into movies, thanks.


But, yeah, the IM2 'Happy' fight was a little obnoxious.