1. I actually have no interest in Rick Perry at all. My interest is in the last minute pushes toward sinking or swimming in Iowa. Also of interest in that regard is the fact that Bachmann's campaign manager in Iowa just quit and endorsed Paul yesterday. Further, Rick "You Can't Google My Name" Santorum has risen above the Newt! But, I get your point.

2. I'm sure I'll get over my playing virual whack-a-mole with WB soon enough. IMO, it was three years of only jesting with him about Glen Beck and whatnot before I finally conceded that he isn't misunderstood. Most people here understand him perfectly. On the other hand, I think I have cooled on taunting most others. I got a wild hair up my ass and it was fun while it lasted.

3. Wasting the time and effort taunting him is one thing. Wasting the time and effort replying to him in a well-reasoned manner is completely different.

4. Fair enough.

5. No apologies needed. I like you and I thank you for the compliment so I'll try to tamp down on the WB abuse for the betterment of the boards and my posts.