Byrne's inks over his own pencils always seemed rough and sketchy(though to hear him or his "Byrne Victims" on his web-site,nobody does it better than Byrne himself). Inks by Austin or Giordano seemed to complement his style much better. Yes,Byrne delivers a pretty good yarn 90% of the time and you can see he loves old-school super-heroic type adventure when you read his stuff. He also feels he can "fix" characters....sometimes yes(Fantastic Four and Namor),sometimes no(Doom Patrol & Spider-Man:Chapter One).His IDW stuff has been pretty good reading and I enjoy his Star Trek work immensely because he loves TOS and that's always been my preference for Trek. I do think that,although he's been off the radar since he doesn't do any work for the Big Two anymore, Marvel is trying to sway him back without coming out and asking directly.Look at all the Byrne TPBs they've released in the last year or so. She-Hulk,Marvel Team-Up,Spider-Man:Chapter One,Alpha Flight and soon X-Men:The Hidden Years(this is the one that upon being cancelled,Byrne swore he would never again work for Marvel as long as Joe Quesada was in charge)amongst so many others. I can't help it,while I think he is a bitter kind of guy and a bit assy,I'm a sucker for his art so I buy just about anything he works on.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
