Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Heh. Poor old RTD. His gems are few and far between. But, the reason I dislike his work is because it doesn't have to be the case. He's a genius writer. He's just too cowardly to commit himself to writing honest, genuine, thoughtful science fiction. He's too pressured by trying to remain "cool" in the eyes of the general public and the Gay/Lesbian Community who tend to think the only good Who is camp Who. That wasn't a generalization more than an observation.

I found the mother actress to be a bad, bad actress. At no point did she convince me of any emotion at any point. She just read her lines. The girl will be a knock-out when she gets older and she was a good little actress. The boy kid was there to look like "Ralphie", glasses and all. The plot was slapdash, the pacing was erratic, and every emotional moment felt hollow and forced.

We get it, Moff. The Doctor is a childlike Santa Claus character. We get it. You insist this as your main theme, like RTD insisted The Doctor was this emo-ridden avenging angel or something. Okay. Good got it. He likes kids. He's big kid. You think Doctor Who is a kid's show. Yes, we got it all. Now what?

I mean, this cannot be the same writer that gave us 'The Empty Child' from 2005. Try imagining Christopher Eccleston in that Xmas special. It's just crap.

You want a par excellent Xmas episode? Last year's 'A Christmas Carol' was volumes above this placid drivel. Last year's was the best Who Xmas story ever made. I want THAT writer back. Or I want him to go concentrate on SHERLOCK and give Doctor Who to someone who knows what it means to run the show...

Fuck yeah!