Marvel under Shooter's reign was filled with people who grew up on the Silver Age material from both Marvel and DC (Roger Stern, Bill Mantlo, John Byrne, Walt Simonson, Frank Miller, Chris Claremont, etc.) who all did work that was tribute to what they grew up with, while also a creative expansion of the Lee/Kirby/Ditko-era material, and arguably the definitive runs on the titles they revitalized in a Silver Age direction (Byrne's FF, Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne X-MEN, Mantlo/Hannigan/Milgrom SPECTACULAR SPIDERMAN, Stern/Romita Jr. AMAZING SPIDERMAN 224-250, Simonson's THOR, Stern/Rogers/Golden/Smith, etc. DOCTOR STRANGE 46, 48-73)

Shooter is of one mind with these guys, in the way he revitalized Legion in a Lee/Kirby Marvel direction in 1965-1970.

When these retroactive revitalizations began at Marvel, similar treatment spilled over into many DC characters.

Levitz/Giffen's LEGION 285-306 followed in a similar revitalization, that likewise manifests a simultaneous recapturing of the series' earliest roots, while also injecting new direction and energy into Legion.
And Levitz/Giffen arguably did it as well or better than the guys doing the same at Marvel.

All these series remain among my all-time favorites.