"Shooter Under Oath!", the poster-worthy wraparound cover of COMICS JOURNAL 115, that transcribed the court testimony from Michael Fleisher's lawsuit against the COMICS JOURNAL.

By Don Simpson, with a nice Silver-Age Marvel flavor. And the widest range of mainstream and underground/alternative and international characters I've ever seen in one drawing.

A larger view of the back cover:

Fleisher sued because of a Harlan Ellison interview in COMICS JOURNAL 53 (1980), where Ellison described Fleisher as "crazy as a bedbug", which was actually praising Fleisher's off-the-wall imagination of his ADVENTURE COMICS (Spectre) and JONAH HEX/WEIRD WESTERN stories. It turned out Fleisher was seeing a psychiatrist 3 times a week!

Fleisher alleged that the defamation had hurt Fleisher's writing career. Shooter testified on behalf of Fleisher, against the JOURNAL. But regardless, Fleisher lost his case, because it turned out his wages doubled during the 1980-1987 period of the defamation lawsuit!

I actually think Gerry Conway and Don Heck were the two most savaged in the interview, who should have been suing.