dumping lines

41. I have to break it off. I've been seeing someone else and they told me I had to choose. Besides, your mother doesn't snore as loud.
-Jason -

42. My ex had a much bigger.. (this is where you get smacked)
-WhiteFireDragon -

43. Buh-bye. What part don't you understand -- the "buh" or the "bye"? Buh-bye.
-Da RanMan -

44. "Help, I'm an idiot. I can't see you anymore!!!" (And run away)
-Dennis the RPG master-

45. Don't say anything to her. Call 911.
-Hoff -

46. The rabbit died and he was not yours.
-Sapphire -

47. Look at my horoscope! "...a new love in your life..." Well, gotta follow my guiding star...
-Kogito -

48. Bob, I'd like you to meet Roy.... he's your new replacement.
-Wicked Wench of the West -

49. I find that if you tell 'em straight-up to go away, they just want you more (Go figure?). Perhaps moaning someone else's name right before....ya' know....might do it.
-dome -

50. We've been going out for a while, and I think we're ready to go to the next level... have you heard the good news about Amway?
-First M. Last -

51. Sing "Kyle's Mom is a Sutpid Bitch in D Minor", but substitute their name for Kyle's mom.
-just some guy -

52. Forget bothering with actually dumping him/her, just sign up to the witness protection program and never speak to them again.