dumping lines

19. Piss off wanker.
(NOTE: We here at Ow! were not really sure if this was a submission for the 100 dumping lines or if was actually directed at us)
-seewhy -

20. Remember when I asked you out?? Well.... I was talking to the guy behind you!
-Nicole -

21. I was only hanging around with you because I wanted to get in your mom's pants
-SLY -

22. Don't you just love when leeches get into your pants?
-Mac Aronie -

23. "I break with thee... I break with thee.. I break with thee.. and then throw dog-poop on her/his shoes" (Steve Martin)

24. It's me not you.
-Na' Chew-

25. It's you, not me...I mean it's me, not you.

26. It's not you...it's me...well ok..it is you.

27. I'm sorry I never told you but I'm gay. I've been fighting it, and if anyone could have converted me it would have been you. However, I succumb. Ciao!
-Dick Wicks -

28. I can forgive everything else about you, even the fact that you are 9 years older than me, have a 10 year old daughter, are getting a divorce, can't have any more kids, don't have a job, or a car, and the fact that you don't have a high school diploma. All that is fine. (then just stop calling)
-i knew he was a loser -