No one else has posted about this here, and I hesitate to do it myself, because it is such a racially charged case.

I think there's no question that Zimmerman, this self-appointed neighborhood watch guy, provoked the situation. He called 911, and the dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow Martin. But he did, and whatever happened after, I think it can be argued he provoked the situation.

After the police got involved, it's a mystery to me why Zimmerman was not arrested. Clearly, even if Martin attacked Zimmerman as alleged, Zimmerman still initiated the situation by following Martin, which ended up getting Martin killed. (Although in fairness to the police, maybe they wanted to arrest him, but just did not have the evidence to justify an arrest. Although at the very least, I think they should have held Zimmerman several hours or overnight, and grilled him intensely about precisely what happened, that resulted in him shooting Martin dead.)

Martin had no criminal record, and was not known to ever provoke a fight.

I hear that dispatch call, and I see Zimmerman as the aggressor. That his actions resulted, with no logical expanation, in Martin ending up dead, I don't think he should be free.
And the fact that the police let him go should warrant plenty of investigation.

The other part that bothers me is how the (liberal) media is whipping up a frenzy about the racial angle of this, before any investigation makes a case for that.
Pending any further evidence to the contrary, it's a random absurdity, set in motion by one lone 28-year-old self-appointed vigilante nut. It isn't representative of some alleged rampant white racism nationwide. It's one random incident, the first in many years.

But already you have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson out there tossing kerosene on the fire. And now Obama too.

And as I've pointed out in previous topics, if it was a black guy who shot a white kid, the crime would be just as serious, but the nationwide media would be nowhere to be found.
This single random incident fits the ongoing media-favored liberal narrative of a black kid being lynched by a white racist (half-white half-hispanic, but I doubt a majority of coverage will detail that), and that's why it's getting coverage.

And as I've pointed out in prior topics, U.S. Justice Department statistics show black-on-white crime occurs at a rate of 50-to-1 of the reverse. Even though the media consistently buries this reality, and portrays victimization to be the exact reverse.

It reminds me of the Rodney King case in 1992. Where a jury acquitted four white officers of Rodney King's beating, and many of the same loud and exploitative pundits (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters) whipped up a riot in L.A. with their rhetoric, that without heated rhetoric should not have occurred.
How many people have even heard of Robert Jewett of West Palm Beach, who was white, and was pulled over, with no criminal record and despite no clear motivation, was beaten to death by the two cops? And the cops were similarly exonerated of all charges. But that's not news. Because Jewett was white. It doesn't fit the media's racism narrative.

This isn't about race, it's a random absurdity. But I fear the same media and pundits are rushing to make it as racial as possible, to fit the narrative of their own ideology, and for their own personal and political gain.