Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Why is Gingrich trying to make this all about race?

Come on, now. Right or wrong, Gingrich is far from the only, or first, person to make this about race.

Now, personally, I don't agree with Newt on this one. I thought Obama's statement was a very compassionate, and human, one. It was one of the better things I've heard from the president on matters of race and he deserved credit for saying something that, to this Obama detractor, seemed heartfelt and appropriate.

Does he even address the bad law that is causing the ruckus?

According to the author of the self-defense law at issue, it isn't even applicable in this case:
  • if you carefully read the statute, which most of the critics have not, and read the legislative analysis, there's nothing in this statute that authorizes you to pursue or confront other people. If anything, this law would have protected the victim in this case; it could have...So - and in fact, the gentleman - Mr. Zimmerman's attorney, who when he first appeared on CNN the other night, he actually said he was not going to use this statute. The governor, Jeb Bush, has said it does not apply.

This [everyone trying to repeal a self-defense law before there's even been a verdict] is exactly the kind of politicizing and rush to judgement I worried about. Let's see how the case plays out before anyone decides whether a law is "bad" or "good."