Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wouldn't the big guy who followed the smaller kid around with the gun be the one who started the fight?

Again, you're making assumptions. And the guy was 5'9", over 200lbs., while the kid was 6'3" at around 150. So big is pretty much relative there. I don't doubt the possibilty of Zimmerman starting the fight. I also don't doubt that Martin could have either. Better than that, I'll admit that I flat out don't know.

I'm not making an assumption but feel that Zimmerman was being the aggresor by following the kid around from what we already know. Because of those actions he started the fight. We probably don't agree on that but that's my opinion. If Zimmerman had just listened to the cops Martin would be still alive eating his skittles.

Fair play!