Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You left out parts G-man.

Your precise quote to which I responded was "Zimmerman was being the aggresor by following the kid around," not "Zimmerman was being the aggresor by following the kid around after police told him not to and armed with a gun." Nothing was left out. If you don't want people to misunderstand your point, you need to phrase it more clearly... or not change your argument when someone points out the logical flaws in it.

Furthermore, even you had included the phrase "following the kid around after police told him not to and armed with a gun," that still means you were abscribing to Martin a right you claim to oppose.

In either scenario, there is a person who perceives a threat and, rather than retreat or call for help, attacks the perceived threat with physical force.

If you truly believe that Martin was justified because of Zimmerman following him (armed or not) then you have basically just stated your support of the "stand your ground law," at least as how you've described it.

If you have a problem politicizing this...

So you admit you're trying to politicize this.

than try changing tactics than your usual fare.

The record will reflect my comments have largely consisted of saying Obama (D)'s comments were appropriate and that Gingrich (R) was off base in his criticism of Obama, along with pointing out we should not rush to judgment. The record will also reflect that you keep trying to blame this on Bush (R) and the NRA.