Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

Why is he blaming the incident on Trayvon wearing a hoodie? It's not as simple as "Trayvon was shot because people who wear hoodies are discriminated against."

...and people would have to be stupid not to be suspicious of people who are hiding their face in settings that don't really call for it. If it's just a fashion statement, then it falls to the wearer to accept the suspicions he gets for wearing suspicious clothing. We've got similar problems in here, lots of robbers try to avoid being recognized in CCTV cameras by wearing baseball caps. So, can people be faulted for being wary of someone wearing a baseball cap even when it's not sunny at all?

Also, that dude totally looks like morgan freeman.

He's a politician, they aren't known for their grasp of reality. Just look at any of the posts from the former politician on these boards.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.