This reveals more about the liberal media than it does about Trayvon Martin or the white supremacist who hacked martin's information.

It continues the narrative of trying to downplay anything negative about Martin, and portraying anyone who investigates or questions Martin's part in his own death as racist. Love all the [sic]'s that they would have corrected from a leftist website. I've seen plenty of typos on every board from pretty much everyone posting, either left or right, from WBAM to M E M to myself.

This much is still true:

1) Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school, and was on suspension at the time he was shot.

2) There were witnesses who reported that it was Martin (not Zimmerman) who initiated the confrontation. There are also witness accounts of the reverse.

3) Martin is not a little kid, he was 6 foot 3, to Zimmerman's 5 foot 9, despite the liberal media's attempts to portray Zimmerman as the bully chasing a small kid. But you have to dig through coverage to see that.

4) Zimmerman regularly tutored black and other minority kids in his home, which isn't consistent with the "racist" profile that the liberal media is pushing, and the mainstream media are selectively omitting facts that disprove the Zimmerman-is-a-racist narrative.