I don't see much point now in speculating about Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, until the Florida state Justice Dept completes its independent investigation, and releases the as-yet-undisclosed evidence.

I feel like, no matter what the evidence, to the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, to angry black victim-culture-indoctrinated America, to the posturing Democrat politicians and the partisan liberal media pundits who pump up that anger, that no matter what the evidence disclosed that might corroborate, justify, and exonerate George Zimmerman's actions, these ideologically driven zealots will continue to scream for Zimmerman's blood. No matter what.

I can envision a rush to convict Zimmerman on weak evidence, just to appease the zealots and prevent nationwide riots.

I can envision not having sufficient evidence, but still arresting Zimmerman, and holding him for a period of time before releasing him on insufficient evidence, with authorities saying "well, we tried..." just as a show, to again appease and prevent riots.

Or there might be evidence to at least pursue a trial of Zimmerman, or even convict him.

And I can envision Zimmerman being killed, either in prison or as a free man. No matter what the evidence.