I am the LORD thy God and I give you these Ten Commandments:

1 I am He that brought you out of Egypt (like in the movie), You shall
not returneth to Egypt, nor shall you think that the Pyramids are "cool,"
"nifty," or "symbolic." That would be putting other gods before Me, and
claiming that they are better architects, which is a sore spot and,
hence, right out.

2 You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vein. Drugs are
fine, but mainlining ANYTHING is a bad scene.

3 You shall keep the Sabbath day holy, as well as Columbus Day, Victoria
Day for the Canadians and My Kid's birthday. Make sure to look for the
bargains for this last one, though, but don't let it stop you from
spending. Remember: The more thou spendest, the holier thou art.

4 Honor they father and thy mother, even if thy father molests thee. For
abortions shall not be legal, so thou art stuck with thy affliction...

5 You shall not murder, except in the name of Me, My Kid or the Pope
or any diocese, or to convert heathens, or to defend democracy or to
hunt commies or sissies.

6 You shall not commit adultery. This applies only to married women.
Sex is a bad thing as it promotes fun, which is right out, and must
be stopped. I put all those nerves in thy sexual regions to fulfill
My quota (damn union labor laws), but that doesn't mean you can use
them just for the sake of pleasure, which is unholy and against Me.
Why this is, I don't know, but I don't need to, being God.

7 Thou shalt not steal, unless thou art the Pope, any diocese or
government leader, or really wealthy, or if thou canst somehow work
it in to the state or national charter.

8 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, unless thy
neighbor is a commie or heathen, which I despiseth, or unless thou art
a Good Christian(tm), in which case thou canst do anything, so long as
thou sayest that it is in My name (which thou wilt anyway).

9 Go ahead and covet.

10 Thou shalt not think. Thought is bad and may lead to Questioning,
which is a mortal sin. Go to sleep. Feel comfortable in thy confusion
and kill anyone who questions thou.