The Redneck Ten Commandments

1. There is a God, you ain’t Him; don’t forget it.

2. Don’t let nothing come between you and God; not your Bass Boat, not your Pick-Up Truck, not your golf clubs: not even your wife & kids.

3. Don’t say nothing bad about God; don’t use His name in a bad way.

4 Sunday is the Lord’s Day, not your day. Saturday is your day.

5 Always be good to yo’ mama, and yo’ daddy.

6. Don’t kill nobody, even if they need killing. Leave that up to God.

7. Keep yo’ pants zipped up when they ought to be zipped up.

8. Don’t take nothing that ain’t yours.

9. Don’t lie, and don’t be talking bad about people. Remember what your Grandmama use to say, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

10. Don’t be eyeballing anything that belongs to your neighbor, or anybody else.