Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I am against the "stand your ground" law but that hardly means I'm against all self defense laws...

From what you've written here it appears that you believe that the following (or something close to it) occurred in this case:

  • Zimmerman, unjustly suspicious of Martin, followed him with a loaded weapon.

    This caused Martin, rather than retreat or run away, to confront Zimmerman. Martin was justified in doing so because of the perceived threat from Zimmerman.

    Martin's confronting Zimmerman led to an altercation, during which Zimmerman shot Martin

If that is what you believe (and if its not, please feel free to set forth a statement/narrative of what you think did happen), then it would appear that you are supporting Martin's right to "stand [his] ground." Rather than retreat, Martin confronted the perceived threat, which is what you call the "bad law" allows.