\:lol\: That little joke line I wrote on my profile is really bothering you, isn't it? Was that "position" a source of pride for you, "Jake"? Do you feel like less of a man now that I can do what you cannot? And honestly, I'm the nicest guy on these boards. The only people that face my bad side are pussies that attack me personally. Everyone else I love to death. Even and especially crazy-as-fuck Wonder Boy. Couldn't live without him.

All of that aside, like I said (and you're trying to pretend I didn't) it's quite clear how it works:

anything you say is irrelevant as long as you continue to try to get to me by taking personal shots. As I said before, that's for pussies who can't bring anything else to the table.

So, keep doing the personal stuff, and I'll keep treating you like a bleeding pussy. When you finally grow some balls, I'll still be here, same as I was two years before you ever arrived. Come see me, G... \:lol\: