Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Why are you so glib? As soon as something doesn't go your way you loose your shit.

You throw a temper tantrum, then you blame everybody else for your stupidity.

You mean when you have a Twitter disagreement and have to run to the boards to create a thread to about me? Or when, with a single post, I snap you so completely you go on a board-wide spamming spree, trying to attack me personally?

Yeah. I'M the one that throws "a temper tantrum" and "blame everybody else" for "my stupidity". Unfortunately, a cursory glance at the facts prove you wrong. Again.


DEERRRRR!!!!! You have the tastes, sensibilities, and maturity of a 16 year old girl. DEEEERRRR!!!!

Too bad your opinion is as relevant to this conversation, and about as useful, as anything else you offer these boards, "Jake". That being, not at all.

As for you calling yourself the RKMB senior Troll.

It does offend me, because we deserve better.

You're weak, mentally.

\:lol\: \:lol\: And yet, no one seems awesome enough to claim it, do they? Short of BSAMS coming back, I don't see where you have much hope there.

I mean, me even at my absolute weakest, and I would still tower beyond your ability to cope. I'm an adult, playing an adult game. You're an uneducated child, throwing tantrums when you can't get others to conform to your selfish needs. Grow up, ape.

And, as ever, you still try to deflect and deny my absolute point:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
anything you say is irrelevant as long as you continue to try to get to me by taking personal shots. As I said before, that's for pussies who can't bring anything else to the table.
