I know this may come as a blow to your ego, but I've never been angry at anything you posted.

You project your own anger, and annoyance onto whomever you happen to be disagree with at the moment.

You accuse me of being upset and throwing a temper tantrum only because I disagree.

Anybody who you do not agree with you just dismiss as uninformed, unintelligent, or throwing a fit.

You don't even have any clue you've only been playing these games by MY rules. These threads I created in Random Chat didn't flame you. They exposed you.

It took me no time at all to having you contradict yourself, expose many of your hypocrisies, and showed that even with all that you are also dishonest.

You did a lot of the things that you constantly bitch and complain that have been done to you.

I'd probably be done with you if you didn't react so much like a child who dropped his ice cream.
