I concede if he's not an ex-cop, that I misheard that in another article. Fair enough. But, let me ask you this: I'm half-Irish. Does that make it okay if I stalk and kill, specifically, an Irish teenager walking around? According to G-man's post it does.

But....the "facts" as you keep claiming you're waiting for...seem to be clear:

Zimmerman / Weapon = Pistol / Disobeyed police orders not to stalk the kid / Shot and killed kid

Martin / Weapon = Hoodie / Walking by himself at night / Gets stalked by Zimmerman / Shot and killed by Zimmerman

Unless someone can show me the advanced hand-to-hand combat training Martin took....unless someone can show me the weapon or gun he was carrying....unless someone can show me what illegal activity he was involved in when he was murdered.....unless someone can show me Zimmerman remained in his car and did not intentionally stalk the aforementioned hoodie-wearing, unarmed kid....and was NOT the shooter that killed him.....then, no, I don't see where any more "facts" need to appear. It's pretty much all there.

If I were walking the sidewalk at night, and some dude was following me and carrying a gun? And you think Trayvon was the instigator here? LOL!! Again, perspective.

If two grown men got into a fist-fight, and one of them pulled a gun and shot the other, then said shooter gets charged with murder. How is it not the exact same case here? Especially since we're talking about a teenager in this instance and a grown man.

Or, is it, because the kid was black that it's questionable?

You can sit there and state I'm trying to find some moral high ground on this argument. Thing is, I don't need to find it. I know it.

Armed man kills unarmed kid. That's the broken-down truth, right there. No cultural polish. No media or racial agenda. Just that.

He's guilty. Everything else is spin.