Originally Posted By: thedoctor
What you've been saying is that Zimmerman is a racist who was just waiting to kill a darkie.

Actually, I was only really emphasizing the racist aspect to torment Dave. However, the facts all seem to point to the obvious conclusion. If it looks, acts, smells, and sounds like a duck, you don't have to "wait for OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ANSWER" to morally and intellectually understand it's not a beautiful swan wearing a pearl necklace. It's a fucking duck, man. No matter how much you love your duck-brothers and want to believe they're something else.

I was searching for a Howard the Duck reference, but couldn't squeeze it out. Sorry.

Anyway, motivation is the key here. What's Zimmerman's motivation for being out in the night, armed with a pistol that's designed to do only one thing (there's no "stun-setting" in real life)? To kill. Period. What's Zimmerman's motivation to stalk an unarmed kid and murder him? Because he "looked suspicious". He was wearing a "hoodie". Profiling. Racial profiling, to be specific.

To claim you "don't know what happened so you'll wait for the facts" is a faux-naivete I'm unaccustomed to you adopting. Usually you're able to see the truth in discussions. But, I think you've allowed personal bias to cloud your objectivity. I'll repeat myself: no matter how your slice it, the math adds up the same. Zimmerman, armed with a pistol, stalked and murdered unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin because he looked 'suspiciously black'. Simple as that.

But, I'm sure someone out there still believes OJ Simpson is innocent, too...