Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
What you've been saying is that Zimmerman is a racist who was just waiting to kill a darkie.

Actually, I was only really emphasizing the racist aspect to torment Dave. However, the facts all seem to point to the obvious conclusion. If it looks, acts, smells, and sounds like a duck, you don't have to "wait for OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ANSWER" to morally and intellectually understand it's not a beautiful swan wearing a pearl necklace. It's a fucking duck, man. No matter how much you love your duck-brothers and want to believe they're something else.

I guess Richard Jewell was a lone bomber duck, then? Oh, wait. Turns out he didn't make and plant the bomb despite the media branding him as a failed cop looking to be a hero. Turns out that he actually was a hero who saved lives.

The Duke Lacross team was a group of racist, rich, white mallards who raped a poor, defenseless black girl. Oops. Turned out that the chick was a crazy, lying hooker who made up the whole thing.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I was searching for a Howard the Duck reference, but couldn't squeeze it out. Sorry.

You sick son of a bitch!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Anyway, motivation is the key here. What's Zimmerman's motivation for being out in the night, armed with a pistol that's designed to do only one thing (there's no "stun-setting" in real life)? To kill. Period. What's Zimmerman's motivation to stalk an unarmed kid and murder him? Because he "looked suspicious". He was wearing a "hoodie". Profiling. Racial profiling, to be specific.

You, again, ignore the fact that there is no evidence of racism in Zimmerman's past. There is also evidence that his neighborhood was several years into a rash of robberies and vandalism. In just a little over the previous year, about 500 calls had been made to 911 from that gated community. So can you really blame Zimmerman for being suspicious of a complete stranger walking around his gated community at night?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
To claim you "don't know what happened so you'll wait for the facts" is a faux-naivete I'm unaccustomed to you adopting. Usually you're able to see the truth in discussions. But, I think you've allowed personal bias to cloud your objectivity. I'll repeat myself: no matter how your slice it, the math adds up the same. Zimmerman, armed with a pistol, stalked and murdered unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin because he looked 'suspiciously black'. Simple as that.

I try to not rush to a conclusion when racism is tossed willie-nillie about. I've seen that used too much as a cover while completely ignoring the facts of the situation. If anything, I'm trying to keep bias from clouding my objectivity. I'm not 100% convinced that Zimmerman's telling the whole truth. I'll let public disclosure of evidence inform my final decision.

You've obviously let incorrect information and passion fashion your decision and unwilling to reconsider it, DC (considering your previous post using my initials, I thought that's what we were doing now. Also, you won't get by thinking it's associated with DC comics. No. It's associated with DC clothes, manufacturers of clothing for douchebags everywhere.). Zimmerman never described Martin as 'suspiciously black', so your use of quotes with that phrase is terribly misleading. You also paint a picture of Zimmerman walking around with a gun drawn, ready to kill Martin when the time suits him. You have nothing to back that up. As far as we know, Zimmerman followed from a distance and didn't confront Martin. Maybe he did. I'll wait for the collected evidence and not talking heads opinions in those regards.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
But, I'm sure someone out there still believes OJ Simpson is innocent, too...

You hate OJ because you suck at basketball. He's an ex-football player, Pro. How many times do we have to go over this?

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."