Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Is it a flying car or 'flying assault vehicle'?

Use your best judgment as to what you think I mean and you'll probably be right.

Suffice it to say, military exposure has confined my general understanding of the phrase "assault vehicle" to ground units.

You're attempting to redirect to cover up for the fact that you're twisting the context of what you're seeing to make you seem justified in disliking a franchise that pretty much everyone else fucking loves.

You think I choose to hate certain movies because everyone else likes them? How does that explain the Iron Man films?

You keep making it seem like WB is copying Iron Man for their marketing push. Why? Why would they want to copy a series of films that, together, barely made more than The Dark Knight did alone?

Honestly, two reasons:

1) There's always room for improvement of sales.

2) That's the way the wind is sailing with comic franchises. Warner Bros. is evolving its own marketing according to the success of Marvel's so it can keep up and stay ahead. To be frank, this preview strikes me as a departure from the original approaches. Aside from the tech, there's the action and team elements that weren't so apparent in the previous films' previews.

Probably more effectively than Hawkeye with a couple of arrows. Seriously, that's as silly as her with the gun. How are people missing that?

I'm certainly not disagreeing with you. They're both useless. She was just the topic of the moment.

Can't really make solid declarations regarding how well the character works in that short amount of time.

"Works" the way Black Widow does in Iron Man? I'm not going to necessarily deny the claim that Black Widow "worked" insofar as she didn't hurt the film or distract from its point. I'm sure the same is going to be the case with Avengers. But as it is, she's completely ancillary; the film would execute fine regardless of her implementation.

The presence of Catwoman's character is similar in that it suggests fulfillment of a commercial role that, above all else, only holds a relevance to certain demographics. That doesn't seem to mesh with the idea that she's a cohesive element that's indispensable to the story/character rather than a modular aspect that you can add or detach from the film according to a gauged desire for a lightening/sassy female presence.

Here's a little secret for you, Pariah: most men like seeing hot chicks bouncing around in tight clothes. We also prefer our women without cocks. I can see how you are unable to integrate into the greater society.

Buuut...You don't disagree that it adds nothing substantive to the film, yes? These qualities describe just another form of marketing that's more integrated with the film.

...And nowadays, I'm sure comic fans would be okay with her having a penis.