(1) The only cellist in Avengers lore is Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. In Avengers, that's who we hear Coulson is/was dating.

(2) How many Coulson's are there already? Was it the same man who met up with Tony AND picked up Captain America in Avengers at, roughly, the same time? LMD's anyone?

(3) What did Fury say when Coulson died? "I lost my one good eye". Think about that one for a moment.

(4) Coulson is still signed for at least three more Marvel movies...

(5) We never saw him die. Just lose consciousness.

All of that adds up to the internet fanboy rumor that we are seeing the birth of the movie-verse Vision.

Fury lost his one good eye. He lost his "vision".

It's interesting, to say the least...