Originally Posted By: Prometheus
So, let's check the math again....

Armed white civilian stalks unarmed black child, even after he was told not to by the authorities. He shoots the child because....well, I guess because the kid was going to pull a bag of skittles on him. Either way, he was racially motivated (FACT) and he murdered an innocent, unarmed child (FACT).

The blood is on the hands of every coward that attempts to validate this murderer. (FACT)

Yep. Same math. Rightwing is more concerned with saving their white brother than actual justice for the dead child. Your hearts are exactly in the right place, you pathetic fucks.

You know who's a pathetic fuck? You are.

I said in my opening post that this was a random absurdity that had nothing to do with race, before the usual assholes in the media, including Obama and the Dems, chose to exploit it and turn it racial.

To say those who disagree with your point-of-view are "racist" and "defending their white brother", when the shooter is multi-racial --including black-- and primarily identifies himself as hispanic, is just beyond ridiculous.