Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Why are you guys soooo desperate to exonerate a murderer?? I'm incredibly baffled that you cannot see the inherent injustice in gunning down an UNARMED TEENAGER?! I mean, for FUCKS SAKE, guys!! This isn't politics! This is a dead son! A DEAD child! Is this how you deal with all the soldiers that died for oil in the Middle East? All the grieving mothers and fathers and husbands and wives? You just stick your fingers in your ears and "LALALALALALALALALALA"??

For gods sake. What happened to basic human empathy?

...opinion...you want to lynch Zimmerman just to forward your partisan liberal agenda, to paint white conservatives as all racists...Democrat.....And is not white....he also has black family members...

Math is the same, you broken record. No amount of "LIBERAL AGENDA" changes anything. He racially profiled the kid. He stalked him against the orders of the authorities. He executed an unarmed child based on racial prejudice. Fact, you apologist.