Originally Posted By: Pariah
In light of the confirmed injuries, I'd like to revive a question that Doc asked MEM earlier in the thread:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
What if Zimmerman didn't have a gun and Martin wound up beating him to death? Would you still be blaming Zimmerman for following Martin around?
I don't think that's a reasonable hypothetical. Zimmerman outweighed Martin for starters and by the looks of the video it wasn't all fat. Also while some conservatives have dug up anything and everything that could possibly make Martin look bad, they have yet to turn up any incidents where he attacked another person.

Barring further perceptions of what you consider to be "reasonable" since hypotheticals aren't necessarily meant to fit any such preconceptions--plus all of your assumptions with regards to their weight classes and the likelihood of one getting beat up over another turned out to be wrong--in light of the new evidence, do you care to make any amendments to your position?

So Zimmerman had some minor injuries and that proves what exactly? The doc was talking about Zimmerman hypothetically being beaten to death. He was clearly not injured anywhere near that.

Fair play!