Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I've smoked pot for 18 years and I can tell you with absolute certainty there's nothing in weed that makes ANYONE want to "confront" anyone or anything else except your couch and the fridge. It's ludicrous when kneejerks (not you, I'm ranting) who have never tried anything try and say with some sense of expertise that they know the effects of marijuana and how people "should" react to it. The greatest argument I love is: "Well, I've never jumped off a bridge, but I don't have to know it will hurt me/I don't want to/etc." It makes me laugh when ignorants try and correlate any type of harm or death to pot when there's absolutely zero accounts of weed causing any deaths or medical conditions that weren't already present. Just more Federal-Spin because they literally can't control it. Unlike alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine (!) all of which are rated lower in risk. However, I have yet to find any actual scientific fact to back that up. Just the Feds and their power grip. They want to tax it soooo bad, but because it's so easy to grow Philip-Morris battles against its legality every chance they get, while simultaneously preparing for the day it happens by prepping entire factories and fields to grow Corporate Addiction-Added Marijuana for the masses. Because, if they can't make money off it, you sure as FUCK don't have the right to enjoy yourself. Don't you understand the Amerikan System of Corporate Government?

Sorry. Touchy subject for me.