Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
What you said doesn't make sense but whatever.

Red Herring: Motive to lie.

The red herring can either be applied negatively or positively to try and make your point. You chose a negative when you said "less motive", which is counter intuitive according to every deductive principle in existence. Motive is identified based on gain. Not loss.

In which case, SoM identified a motive for her to lie based on her friend-status with Martin. You responded by trying to use Zimmerman's own circumstances as a negating factor--even though the two aren't even remotely comparable--and then dressed it up as a deductive observation by phrasing it affirmatively.

Sorry but they didn't flip flop. The father heard a cleaned up version and says he recognized Martin's voice from that. Martin's mom has as far as I know always said it was her son's voice. Glad I could help you with that bit of ignorance.

The recording was no less or more cleaned up then before. He decided to change his tune when he realized it would help his dead son's case.

The mother only decided to speak when the father flip-flopped. So trying to use the phrase, "all along" to help along your claim only demonstrates all the more how deceptive you are.

Please source this, otherwise I have to assume this is just untrue.

That's the beautiful thing about a generalization. I don't have to cite anything. And it's especially frustrating for you because you can't deny it: this case does not have enough evidence to support a murder charge. It doesn't take a lawyer to see that.