Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Oh here we go again.

You're too dumb to debate so you spam.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

But no matter how many times you repost Zimmerman is white doesn't make it true.

Yes it does. I didn't say he was Caucasian. Even the MOST Nordic of us have some mixed-race genetics in our backgrounds. Trying to say a white guy like Zimmerman is...in any way...black is, well, a lie. It's also insulting to people who are actually black. Fact.

You can be any race and still profile a person of another race.

True. In this case it was a white guy off his meds with a pistol, stalking and profiling a hoodie-wearing, unarmed black teen. Fact.

Just because you profile doesn't make you "white".

Nope. But, the fact that Zimmerman IS white doesn't mean he wasn't profiling based off race. Simple, really.

I know you're desperate to "prove me wrong" and help get this murdering fuck out of jail. I know you're desperate, probably due to some racist guilt you see in yourself. But, in the end, the reality is this was an old-school racially-motivated murder. Everything else is technicalities forcibly added to the debate by the Rightwing hatemongers in a desperate attempt to maintain their faux-moral, proto-religious powerbase. Fact..

Dear Dick Face,

There are many, many wonderful races, and cultures on this great Earth than just Black, and white.

Knowing that doesn't make me a racist, but it does make you an idiot.

Also, I never thought that Zimmerman should get out of jail.

I think he should do time.
