Originally Posted By: Prometheus

But, he's not the police. He's a crazy racist with a history of violence that went off his meds. There is never any reason to arm yourself with a pistol unless you plan to use it. Guns cannot be used to stun people. They can only be used to shoot and kill.

I know I'm picking on [you] about the racist stuff. Seriously? I believe Zimmerman would have never even noticed Trayvon if he had been white. He saw 'hoodie' and profiled him. He killed a kid. End of story.

 Originally Posted By: WB
And as I've said repeatedly, it was dark and raining, and Zimmerman rattled off a list of reasons on his 911 call why Martin was suspicious, none of them racial. And only when asked if the suspect was white, black, or hispanic, did Zimmerman after a long pause go "um... I think he's black". Indicating race was not even a consideration for Zimmerman, and it was only when asked that he weighed it for a few seconds, and finally guessed at Martin's race.