Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Manslaughters not a stretch. First degree murder would be. I've stated before that manslaughter would have been a better charge. 2nd degree doesn't imply intent of murder but it does imply intent to cause bodily injury, which I don't think was zimmerman was originally motivated to do. However when shit got real a chest shot at close range is indicative of intent to kill.

When forensics say the powder burns indicate Zimmerman was between 1 and 18 inches from Martin when he fired the fatal shot, combined with the broken nose and lacerations to Zimmerman's head, I'd say his motivation was not 1st- or 2nd-degree murder, or even manslaughter. It was clear self defense.

Zimmerman's motivation was to not end up a quadraplecic drinking his meals through a straw for the rest of his life.

Pending further evidence, I don't think Zimmerman provoked what happened. He'd already broken off pursuit and was returning to his truck, when unsolicitedly assaulted by Martin. Self-defense.

If you ignore the pesky evidence and just rely on what Zimmerman alleges, sure. I have to ask how it makes sense to you that Martin first runs away from Zimmerman and than apparently comes back and essentially announces to Zimmerman that he's going to beat him up? Sounds like a pretty darn convenient thing for a killer to say.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It's not about whether Zimmerman was on anti-depressants, or was arrested 6 years ago for resisting police arresting his friend, or about his wife filing a restraining order on him.
It's not about whether Trayvon Martin was suspended three times from school, had tatoos and a thug demeanor, and had THC in his blood stream.
Neither one of these guys were heroes or geniuses.

It's only about their actions from the time Zimmerman made his 911 call, and when the gunhole opened in Martin's chest. And pending further evidence, the forensics indicate self-defense in Zimmerman's actions.

If Zimmerman is taking drugs for various mental problems wouldn't that potentially come into play? Especially since these seem to have some serious potential side effects that affect mood.

Martin was only 17 when Zimmerman shot him dead. He could have been a hero or a genius. A bullet fired by a fool (at the very least) ended any chance to see what he grew up to be.

Fair play!