Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
but everything about George Zimmerman being an asshole.

Very possible. Zimmerman strikes me as overzealous. In which case, if he were a less severe individual, this never would have happened. Then again, the same could be said about Martin.

Personally, the reason I'm not so harsh towards Zimmerman's character is because there was cause to be cautious of burglaries. That wasn't a fabrication on his part. And if you live in the area and are also charged with keeping an eye on the goings on within it, then you're going to want the most ideal place to observe so that you can report. The problem is he overdid it--a common mistake for everyone really.

I'm well aware that his grave misjudgements are at the primary cause of this case, but I honestly don't think other people in his situation would have done much differently--including us.

Now I do not necessarily disagree with preemptive strikes against would be attackers, but if Zimmerman didn't actually make any movements to attack or threaten Martin beyond being on his tail, then Martin's reaction was completely unwarranted, and not even his death--or the hype surrounding it--will negate that.

Last edited by Pariah; 2012-05-23 3:41 AM.