Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wasn't it just it just one small abrasion on his ring finger? So instead of "knuckles" it's actually "knuckle".

Haha! I don't know, you tell me since you're the one trying to school me on it.

I'm not even gonna bother Google diving for a source on that since it doesn't actually change the reality of the injuries--just like how stressing the word "minor" doesn't change the reality of two black eyes, a broken nose, multiple cuts to the back of the head, and blunt trauma to the cranium.

Seriously though, you're pretty funny: you actually think mincing words rearranges reality to your whim. It takes someone with a real knack for mental gymnastics to be so hyperbolic.

I don't think it's mincing words to point out Martin only had one small abrasion on his ring finger. That's what is in the report and as you can see it does play into what that witness now says otherwise Martin probably would have more damage to the knuckles.

Fair play!