Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
The guy was blown away when Lindelof said the whole show didn't take place in the "afterlife" and really happened, but that was pretty obvious (and we talked about it here).

its amazing to me how many people did not get that. there are still so many i discuss the show with on occasion that feel ripped off "they ended up being dead the whole time". i thought it was pretty clear that wasn't so, with jack's dad pretty much stating it. but i guess that detail wasn't as clearly defined as it should/could have been.

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
What was really disappointing was that there was important stuff they didn't even bring up again, let alone explain. Like, I would've been cool with Walt showing up in the finale and doing something crazy with his powers, just to acknowledge that they introduced that plot.

for every bit of emotion found in the finale, the 10 minute extra on the DVD/blu-ray was that level of factual spew. it was just a rapid-fire QA session. walt isn't crazy. hurley is the boss. the food came from teams. talking birds happened. etc. it was basically a "oh, shit. um... just read the results" type response from the lost folk, cramming in as many unanswered questions as they could, and trying to wrap a plot around it.

i'm still fine with how the show ended and the story that it told, but i did appreciate the extra info the bonus scene provided.

 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I never understood how Hurley's numbers ended up on the hatch. Someone explain that,please.

my understanding is the numbers were placed on the hatch, first, in the 70s. then, after the space-bomb went off, the guy in the hatch used those numbers as the code to contain the asplosions. then that drove that guy crazy, and he left the island, possibly through the portal. obsessed with the numbers, his crazy rubbed off on another guy's crazy, who brought the number mantra to a crazy house. that's where hurley heard them in the early 2000s. then hurley goes to the island in 2004, sees the numbers, hits 2007, travels back in time to 1970, and sees the beginning of this paragraph.

what that does not explain is why the numbers are magical, and how they related to jacob and the main stars of the show.

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