i like how you saw all the negatives and ignored all the positives! you wear your shill fanboyism with pride (baited bouncing laughy face ...but only because you don't wear your shill fanboyism with pride)

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hawkeye got the short end of the plot. But, then, someone had to.

why? and, if there's a "must", why make it one of the heroes whom you're trying to sell action figures and happy meal toys of?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hawkeye presented as a human SHIELD agent who just happens to be better using a bow than a gun. That last point is about as bothersome, for me, as a guy who instantly gains 4000lbs of green mass muscle.

this point, for me, is much worse in a world where a guy instantly gains 4000lbs of green mass muscle. the guy has a box of like 25 arrows. on his back. that he runs and does flips with. while fighting legions of mythological creatures. he was as helpful as any of the cops on the ground.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Loki didn't get a lot of meat to work with. And, a sympathetic character in THOR's solo movie works. A straight-up villain takes some of the depth of the character.

he was poo in avengers. which is the movie i saw.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I think he's easily as good as Michael Fassbender is as Magneto. So...fuck you.

there's only one movie-based magneto.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The Lee got his cameo check

yar. i just wanted him to have more.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Chris Evan's character is spot-on as Steve Rogers.

he's spot on as the steve rogers i hate. the milk-grin poster boy of 1950s TV. not the "holy fuck, i've never seen the 50s! i was too busy being frozen after killing mother fuckers in the face with my boot for months at a time" world war II veteran.

he is supposed to be impressive.

if his portrayal is supposed to be the other one, well then great job.

giant picture