Is Gay Parenting Bad for the Kids?

  • In his new Social Science Journal study...Mark Regnerus set out to answer the question of whether children who have parents in a same-sex relationship experience disadvantages when compared with children raised by their biological, married parents.

    The answer, contra the zeitgeist, appears to be a resounding yes. Children with a parent in a same-sex relationship “underperform” in almost every category.

    Some of these differences may be relatively benign — whether one voted in the last presidential election, for example — but most are decidedly not.

    One deficit is particularly worrying: Less than 2 percent of children from intact, biological families reported experiencing sexual abuse of some nature, but that figure for children of same-sex couples is 23 percent.

    Similarly disturbing is that 14 percent of children from same-sex couples have spent some time in foster care, compared with around 2 percent of the American population at large. Arrest, drug experimentation, and unemployment rates were all higher among children from same-sex families.

I haven't seen the original study, so I'm willing to concede this take on it may be spin.

However, if the bolded statistic is correct (and not explained away by some other factor), that means that nearly one in four children of gay parents is sexually abused.

Wow. Pariah might have been right when he said 'homosexuality = pedophilia.'