Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Suuuuuuure. We discover faster-than-light particles and suddenly there's an "error"? Right. Okay. I bet they said the same thing about nuclear fission when the Russians were listening. Pfft.

Give me a break. Any extreme scientific advancement will be subsumed and controlled by the military agencies that want proprietary technological supremacy. That's why science advanced----right up until the Spy Era began in the 21st century. After that, we must be distracted by iPad4 and iPhone7. No, no. No other real science being learned here. Don't pay attention. Move along sheep. Move along...

Top physicists like Dr.Michio Kaku questioned the equipment used to perform these tests since day one.

There are so many things that work based on Einstein's theory of relativity.

It's passed unambiguous tests.

But YOU know better that Einstein? Newton?

Are you serious?

Science advanced only until the cold war?

Since then we've gone to the moon and beyond, built the iPhone 4, and discovered particle physics.

Look at the advancement of PCs alone over the past 20 years.

Science, real science has advanced exponentially since the discovery of fire.

There may not seem to be giant leaps to you but when you compare your grandparents childhood to how a child today grows up those are very different times.

Who is the "We" in your post anyhow?