Well they're not supposed to have money in the days of Trek(though sometimes credits are mentioned)as far as Earth and I suppose Vulcan go. I would also guess that also means health care for everyone then and no insurance or HMO's are around. But then that's pretty easy to say since it's fiction.However,most of what I've seen and read focuses almost entirely on the Starfleet side of things and in the real world today when you're on active duty in the service,you don't pay for medical in most cases,so I'm not sure if that's accurate to assume in the civilian world of Star Trek but I would guess it's pretty likely.

There are some inconsitencies though. For example in ST III when McCoy talks to the big eared alien about getting a ship,he flat out tells the dude he's got plenty of money. Then in ST IV when Kirk and Gillian are at the pizza place and the check comes she says "Let me guess,they don't have money in the future." to which Kirk replies "Well,they don't". but then continuity in Star Trek is played pretty fast and loose.

What exactly were you thinking of Pro?

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
