Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Marxist, Ayers, Islam, Kenyan, PRO IS THE DEVIL!!!!

Oh silly Traitor Dave. Do you have to clean the spittle off your monitor everytime you SCREAM a post at me?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Which of us sounds more like a genocidal Nazi, Pro?

Most definitely you. \:lol\:

Poor Dave. Pretends he has morals and ethics. Then, simply jumps on the bandwagon with G-Pussy to make personal attacks. Pretends he cares about fairness and equality, but does everything he can to fight against those principles (except for white Republicans, of course). Swears he doesn't serve FAUXNews as a cypher for all Republican Extremist talking point. But, then goes on a four paragraph rant about how President Obama is a secret Muslim/Marxist/Ayers/Kenyan Terrorist whose primary goal is the destruction of America.

Yep, Dave. You're right. You're totally fair, rational, and just. I'm the wild one. Look out! My insane Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Islamic quest for peace, intellectual debate, and removing corrupt money from government is certain to DOOM ALL GAWD-LOVING 'MERICANS! {evil laughter}

\:lol\: You're dumb.