Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Fuck you, Phil. Enterprise was just as good as the original series.

that... good, huh?

Don't tell me that you're a Next Gen. fanatic who would prefer the crew to attend the piccolo concert in Ten Forward instead of saving an alien planet from destruction.

no, there were a lot of crappy TNG episodes; I think they escape notice because TNG had almost three times as many total episodes as TOS. it's just the feel of TNG that appealed more to me - well, that and it being a show I literally grew up on given that I was a nerdy kid and it was the late 80s. I've just never been able to take TOS seriously, although there have been a handful of episodes that were pretty good ('city on the edge of forever' was phenomenal), and the TOS-cast films (at least 2 and 6) were good as well. it's just... well, you take the average TOS episode and the average TNG episode and there's really no comparison in my opinion.


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