Here's where G-man starts posting about how this belongs in the media forum. He'll then cry for several minutes at the fact that he can no longer move it there.

Original Trek is best. I like Next Gen. DS9 was also good; but TOS was the bestestest. First off, pretty much everyone in TOS was trying to get laid at some point or another. Next Gen. was full of a bunch of stuff shirts. Again, I'll point to Roddenberry losing his fucking mind and buying into the over nostalgic idealized version of Trek that the fans created that added pretentiousness. 'Oh no! Warp drives put holes in the universe. Just like cars and the ozone layer. ;\) ' Plus, it was full of bad ideas, like putting kids on a deep space starship (with pretty much every episode with kids showing just why it's a bad fucking idea).

Next Gen. and DS9 had a better rounded cast of characters than TOS, but TOS had better stories. Put any single great episode of TNG or DS9 up against the best of TOS, and they won't stack up. The Dominion War was great, but it takes a whole season, plus some setup, to really appreciate it. I can sit down at anytime and watch just one random episode of TOS and, with few exception, be just as entertained. Also, neither Picard or Sisko had the great representations of inner conflict personified that Kirk did with Spock and McCoy. Spock was Kirk's military disciplined logic. McCoy was his unbridled humanity. Kirk had to wrestle with the two sides and come up with the best solution, usually somewhere in the middle.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."