I give O'Reilly and Limbaugh credit for more integrity that. They both were number one in ratings when W.Bush and the Republicans were in charge, over much of the last 10 years. And Limbaugh has been the king of talk radio for over 20 years.

But it's certainly true that Fox News' ratings rose after Obama was elected. But I think that is more due to the complete loss of objectivity in the mainstream media, that makes people crave a source that doesn't just run pro-Obama Newspeak. I have primarily watched PBS News Hour since 1981, and almost never watched Fox, until August 2008, when the selective omission of the mainstream media drove me to Fox, to see what was not being reported.

If the other networks were still doing their job instead of running cover for Obama, then O'Reilly and Limbaugh, and Fox, would not see the rise in ratings that they have.