Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Sorry for derailing again, so what do people who don't have any party leanings and just want to be updated with the news do? Which network do they turn to?

Or is the proper way just to watch both sides, as well as use the Innarnet and just choose the one that he feels to be true after seeing every single interpretation? Seems like an awful lot of work just for the truth.

Unfortunately, that's the only way to do it.

I gave an example a few months ago, where I watched PBS News Hour, and they reported that Obama's 2nd stimulus bill (ironically and deceitfully focus-group renamed the "Jobs Bill") was not getting through, accompanied by a lot of partisan whining from the Democrats about it, and Republican Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell stood up on the Senate floor and said "Hey, if the president wants a vote on the bill, let's put it up for a vote." PBS reported that Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid tabled the bill saying there were other priorities. That's how PBS reported it.
I flipped over to Fox News, and they showed the same two Mconnell and Reid quotes, but further explained that even though the Democrats had a Senate majority, that not even a majority of Democrat senators would support Obama's jobs bill, and that's why Reid and the Democrats tabled the bill.

In fairness, there is partisan coverage on both sides. I recall one Republican representative was on Hannity in 2010 right before the election, and despite pumping up how he was going to win, Hannity the next night didn't even report the election results when the guy he interviewd lost.