Some Beck wisdom I came across in my Youtube travels...

He makes great points about how the New Black Panther Party, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Spike Lee have all racialized this for their own self-serving purposes, in complete disregard and falsification of the true facts. Attempting (as the Occupy Wall Street strikes attempted) to spark a visceral revolution along the same lines as the Arab Spring, and often with participants even coming out and saying it in exactly those words.

Calling Zimmerman "Cracker" on T-shirts, and trying to turn a random non-racially-motivated shooting into a violent racially polarizing revolution.

Especially vile are the actions of Spike Lee, who tweeted what he believed to be the address of Zimmerman's parents, and thus endangered a couple who had absolutely nothing to do with Zimmerman or the case. Then whipped up hype for a "million-hoodie march", and didn't even show up to stand with the people he prodded to do so.

My first time watching Beck since he left Fox News over a year ago. As when I last saw him, he makes a lot of good points that no one else is making.